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Selection of landscapes images I've captured on my travels. If you wish to purchase canvas prints of these please contact me direct as the online shop doesn't supply them. Prices start at £45 for 16"x12"
Holly Berries and snowAlways look up...Dramatic Sunset over Traquair HouseSunrise over InnerleithenWinter SceneA very cold frosty looking Traquair HouseFrosty trees on the banks of th River TweedThe Tweed River almost frozen overNight shot of InnerleithenA very cold sunet over the the River TweedLate winter sunSunrise over Traquair HouseIce on a blade of grassRiding through the snow - Glentress Black routeSunsetting over InnerleithenFrosty morningSnow covered road into TraquairFrosty Traquair HouseWinter on PriesthopeLonesome pine