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Selection of landscapes images I've captured on my travels. If you wish to purchase canvas prints of these please contact me direct as the online shop doesn't supply them. Prices start at £45 for 16"x12"
Innerleithen Christmas 2021 showing the new Football Lights at The Vale PitchPerched HeronTreeTalla valleyCamelsPeebles Tweed BridgePeeble ChurchPeebles Torchlight ParadeStormy SkyMeggetPeebles Torchlight ParadeAurora Borealis lights from the Minch Moor - November 3rd 2015Milky Way above the Minch Moor CairnAurora Borealis lights from the Minch Moor - November 3rd 2015Aurora Borealis lights from the Minch Moor - November 3rd 2015